Mission 2: with great power comes great responsibility
Mission 3: use the force
Mission 4: erfvfg gur qnex fvqr
Mission 5: rot3 encoding: i will wait for a signal
Mission 6: grouped: lzloo zdlwi rudvl jqdo
Mission 7: rot3 encoding: recount the letters
Mission 8: rot5 encoding: treasure in the little trunk
Mission 9: computer science
Mission 10:
112 114 111 103 114 97 109 109 105 110 103
114 111 99 107 115 33
Mission 11: live long and prosper
Mission 12:
Mission 13: gssvg twmkm uemqz lrcsx kcc
Mission 14: begin escape midnight
Mission 15: learn new ciphers
Mission 16: 42.4.3 42.5.3 42.7.4 42.13.2
Bonus Mission: Rot13 grouped